Brazosport FFA
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Annual Budget & Funding

The annual chapter budget is created by the officer team each summer at officer camp, then proposed for approval to the members at the first chapter meeting of the school year (September). Please see the documents below. Some funding is provided by BISD for travel; however, most chapter expenses are paid for by funds raised by FFA members. The "chapter funded" column in the annual budget summarizes the total funds that will need to be fundraised each year. Brazosport FFA Alumni and Supporters will provide some assistance to the chapter when they are able, but FFA members will need to raise the majority of required funds each year. The Chapter Treasurer is responsible for creating the Treasurer's Report.


Seitz Fundraiser Instructions MaKenzy Mulder 9/11/2023 1452 KB
Approved 23/24 Chapter Budget MaKenzy Mulder 9/27/2023 58 KB



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